
Past Tours of the United States by Championsworld Series 2004 teams

AC Milan | AS Roma | Bayern Munich | Chelsea | FC Porto | Galatasaray | Glasgow Celtic | Liverpool | Manchester United


1970: June 3, 1970 – June 19, 1970. Results: 0 wins, 0 draws, 4 losses.

6/3/70  A. C. Milan 2, Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)5 (at Chicago)
6/5/70  A. C. Milan  0, Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)1 (at New York)
6/17/70 A. C. Milan 0, Santos (Brazil) 1 (at Boston)
6/19/70 A. C. Milan) 0, Racing Club (Argentina) 1 (at New York)

— NASL Friendly Matches —

10/18/81 New York Cosmos 1 at A.C. Milan (Italy) 1
6/8/82   A.C. Milan (Italy) 0 at New York Cosmos 1

2003 (Championsworld Series): June 27, 2003: Results: 0 wins, 0 draws, 1 loss.

6/27/03   Barcelona 2, A. C. Milan 0 (at Washington, DC; Att: 45,864)


— NASL Friendly Matches —

9/13/75 New York Cosmos 1 at Roma (Italy) 3
6/27/76 Roma (Italy) 1 at Rochester Lancers 0
6/1/77  Roma (Italy) 2 at Vancouver Whitecaps 1
6/13/77 Roma (Italy) 1 at Tampa Bay Rowdies 1
5/21/80 Roma (Italy) 1 at Vancouver Whitecaps 1 (Trans-Atlantic Cup)
5/24/80 Roma (Italy) 3 at New York Cosmos 5 (Trans-Atlantic Cup)
5/29/80 Roma (Italy) 1 at Toronto Blizzard 2


1961 tour of U.S. (no details available)

1966: June 10, 1966 – June 30, 1966. Results: 3 wins, 5 draws, 1 loss.

6/10/66  Bayern Munich 2, Glasgow Celtic 2 (at San Francisco; att: 12,000)
6/12/66  Bayern Munich 3, Orange County 3 (at Los Angeles)
6/15/66  Bayern Munich 3, Atlas (Mexico) 0 (at los Angeles)
6/17/66  Bayern Munich 0, Tottenham Hotspurs 3 (at Detroit)
6/19/66  Bayern Munich 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 (at Chicago)
6/22/66  Bayern Munich 9, Pabst Blue Ribbon (at Milwaukee)
6/24/66  Bayern Munich 11, White Star 2 (at St. Louis)
6/29/66  Bayern Munich 2, Torine (Italy) 2 (at Toronto)
6/30/66  Bayern Munich 3, Torine (Italy) 3 (at Jersey City, NJ)

— NASL Friendly Matches —

9/12/78 New York Cosmos 1 at Bayern Munich (Germany) 7
7/4/79  Bayern Munich (Germany) 2 at New York Cosmos 0


1954: May 9 1954 through June 6 1954: (Results: 5 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses)

Roster: Roy Bentley, Ronald Greenwood, John Harris, Richard Kitchener, James Lewis, Peter McKnight, John McNichol, Eric Parsons, William Robertson, Alan Rule, Derek Saunders, Peter Sillett, Robert Smith, Leslie Stubbs, Sidney Tickeridge, Stanley Wicks. Manager: Ted Drake; Trainer: Jack Oxberry.

5/9/54    Chelsea 3, Fortuna 2 (at Randalls island, New York City)
5/16/54   Chelsea 0, Rangers 1 (at Montreal)
5/20/54   Chelsea 7, Rockets 1 (at Baltimore)
5/23/54   Chelsea 1, Borussia 6 (at Randalls Island, New York City)
5/26/54   Chelsea 6, New England Stars 0 (at Fall River)
5/30/54   Chelsea 2, All-Stars 0 (at Harrison, NJ)
6/4/54    Chelsea 4, Rangers 1 (at Toronto)
6/6/54    Chelsea 0, Rangers 0 (at Randalls Island, New York City)

1967: {dates unavailable; c. May-June). Results: 8 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss.

Chelsea 1, Dundee 3 (at Los Angeles)
Chelsea 5, Vancouver 2 (at Vancouver)
Chelsea 5, Seattle 0 (at Seattle)
Chelsea 3, Victoria 2 (at Victoria, BC)
Chelsea 2, Dundee 2 (at Hartford, CT)
Chelsea 9, Bermuda 2 (at Bermuda)
Chelsea 2, Bermuda 0 (at Bermuda)
Chelsea 4, Bermuda 2 (at Bermuda)
Chelsea 11, Eintracht 0 (at Boston)
Chelsea 4, Rochester 2 (at Rochester, NY)

— NASL Friendly Matches —

5/25/77  Chelsea 0 at Seattle Sounders 2
9/26/78  New York Cosmos 1 at Chelsea (England) 1
10/17/79 Los Angeles Aztecs 0 at Chelsea (England) 2


— NASL Friendly Matches —

10/30/80 New York Cosmos 1 at Porto  1


— NASL Friendly Matches —

10/11/78 New York Cosmos 0 at Galatasaray 2


1931: May 23 1931 – June 30 1931. (8 wins, 1 draw, 3 losses)

Roster: William Cook, Denis Currie, Charles Geatons, William Hughes, Joe McGhee, James McGrory, Peter McGonigle, James McStay, John Morrison, Charles Napier, Peter Scarff, Hugh Smith, Alex Thompson, John Thompson, Robert Thompson, Robert Whitelaw, Peter Wilson. Manager: William Maley, Trainer William Quinn, Directors Tom White, John McKillop, James Kelly. During the game against Montreal Carsteel, Peter Scarff scored five goals while wearing a green dress shirt (there weren’t enough kits to go around .

5/23   Glasgow Celtic 6, East Penn & District 1 (at Philadelphia, PA)
5/24   Glasgow Celtic 3, New York Giants 2 (att: 30,000 at Polo Grounds, New York City)
5/30   New York Yankees 4, Glasgow Celtic 3 (att: 8,000 at Fenway Park, Boston, MA)
5/31   Fall River F. C. 1, Glasgow Celtic 0 (att: 7,000 at Mark's Stadium, Tiverton, RI)
6/6    Pawtucket 3, Glasgow Celtic 1 (at Pawtucket, RI)
6/7    Glasgow Celtic 5, Brooklyn Wanderers 0 (att: 10,000, at Ebbetts Field, Brooklyn, NY)
6/13   Glasgow Celtic 7, Carsteels 0 (at Montreal, Que., CANADA)
6/14   Glasgow Celtic 1, Hakoah All-Stars 1 (att: 20,000, at Polo grounds, New York City)
6/21   Glasgow Celtic 6, Bricklayers 3 (at Chicago, IL)
6/27   Glasgow Celtic 3, Ulster United 1 (at Toronto, ON, CANADA)
6/28   Glasgow Celtic 4, New York Yankees 1 (att: 10,000, at Yankee Stadium, New York City)
6/30   Glasgow Celtic 4, Canton S. C. 1 (at Baltimore, MD)

1951: May 20 1951 through June 20, 1951. (Results: 7 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss).

Roster: Roster: Joe Baillie, Alex Boden, Bobby Collins, Bobby Evans, Sean Fallon, William Fernie, George Hunter, James Mallan, John McGrory, John McPhail, John Millsop, Roy Mine, Bert peacock, Eric Rollo, Charles Tulley, Jock Weir. Manager: Jimmy McGrory. Trainer: Alex Dowdalls.

5/20/51   Glasgow Celtic 5, American League Stars 1 (at Randalls Island, New York City)
5/27/51   Glasgow Celtic 2, Fulham FC 0 (at Randalls Island, New York City)
5/30/51   Glasgow Celtic 3, Eintracht SC 1 (at Randalls Island, New York City)
6/3/51    Glasgow Celtic 6, Philadelphia Stars 2 (at Philadelphia)
6/5/51    Glasgow Celtic 2, National League stars 1 (at Toronto)
6/8/51    Glasgow Celtic 4, Chicago Eagles 0 (at Detroit)
6/16/51   Glasgow Celtic 1, Fulham FC 1 (at Toronto)
6/17/51   Glasgow Celtic 2, New Jersey Stars 0 (at Kearney, NJ)
6/20/51   Glasgow Celtic 2, Fulham FC 3 (at Montreal)

1957: (Results not available)

1966: May 12, 1966 – June 12, 1966. (Results: 8 wins, 0 draws, 3 losses).

5/12/66 Glasgow Celtic 11, Bermuda Stars 0 (at Bermoda) 5/15/66 Glasgow Celtic 7, Bermuda Stars 0 (at Bermuda) 5/18/66 Glasgow Celtic 6, Kearny All-Stars 0 (at Kearny, NJ) 5/21/66 Glasgow Celtic 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 0 (at Toronto) 5/25/66 Glasgow Celtic 11, Hamilton All-Stars 0 (at Hamilton, ON) 5/27/66 Glasgow Celtic 0, Torine (Italy) 0 (at Jersey City, NJ) 5/29/66 Glasgow Celtic 6, CYC Stars (at St. Louis) 6/1/66 Glasgow Celtic 2, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 (at San Francisco; att: 11,000) 6/4/66 Glasgow Celtic 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 (at Vancouver) 6/10/66 Glasgow Celtic 2, Bayern Munich 2 (at San Francisco) 6/12/66 Glasgow Celtic 1, Atlas (Mexico) 0 (at Los Angeles)

1970: May 13, 1970 – May 22, 1970. Results: 1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss.

5/13/70 Glasgow Celtic 1, Bari (Italy) 1 (at New York)
5/20/70 Glasgow Celtic 7, New England All-Stars 1 (at Boston)
5/22/70 Glasgow Celtic 1, Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)2 (at new York)

— NASL Friendly Matches —

7/12/81  Glascow Celtic (Ireland) 0 at New York Cosmos 2 TAC
7/15/81  Glascow Celtic (Ireland) 1 at Seattle Sounders 2 TAC

2003 (Championsworld Series): July 22, 2003 through July 25, 2003. Results: 1 win, 0 draws, 1 loss

7/22/03   Manchester United 4, Glasgow Celtic 0 (at Seattle; att: 66,772)
7/25/03   Glasgow Celtic 1, Boca Juniors (Argentina) 0 (at Cleveland; att:  20,842)


1946: May 12 through June 11, 1946 (results: 10 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses)

Roster: Jack Palmer, Cyril Done, Harry Eastman, William Fagan, James Harley, Laurie Hughes, William Jones, Berry Niewwenhuys, Robert Paisley, Robert Priday, Bernard Ramaden, Ken Seddon, Cyril Sidlow, Edwin Spicer, Philip Taylor. Manager: George Kay; Trainer: Albert Shelley.

5/12 46   Liverpool 3, New York Stars 1 (at New york City)
5/15/46   Liverpool 9, Baltimore Stars 0 (at Baltimore)
5/19/46   Liverpool 5, American League stars 0 (at new York City)
5/22/46   Liverpool 3, New England Stars 2 (at Fall River)
5/26/46   Liverpool 12, Philadelphia Stars 0 (at Philadelphia)
5/31/46   Liverpool 5, St. Louis Stars 1 (at St. Louis)
6/2/46    Liverpool 9, Chicago Stars 3 (at St. Louis)
6/5/46    Liverpool 11, Ulster United 1 (at Toronto)
6/9/46    Liverpool 3, Kearney Stars 1 (at Kearney, NJ)
6/11/46   Liverpool 10, American League stars 1 (at Brooklyn, NY)

1948: May 16, 1948 through June 20, 1948. (results: 11 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses)

Roster: Jack Balmer, Kenneth Brierly, William Fagan, James Harley, Laurie Hughes, William Jones, Raymond Lambert, William Liddell, Robert Paisley, Stanley Polk, Robert Friday, Cyril Sidlow, Erwin Spicer, Albert Stubbins, Phil Taylor, George Kay. Manager: Al Shelby; Trainer: S. R. Williams.

5/16/48   Liverpool 5, New York Stars 1 (at New York City)
5/20/48   Liverpool 9, Baltimore Stars 2 (at Baltimore)
5/23/48   Liverpool 5, Philadelphia Stars 2 (at Philadelphia)
5/26/48   Liverpool 6, Fall River Stars 0 (at Fall River)
5/30/48   Liverpool 9, American League Stars 2 (at New York City)
6/1/48    Liverpool 4, St. Louis Stars 2 (at St. Louis)
6/3/48    Liverpool 4, Montreal Stars 2 (at Montreal)
6/9/48    Liverpool 5, New York Stars 2 (at Brooklyn)
6/15/48   Liverpool 5, Ulster United 1 (at Toronto)
6/18/48   Liverpool 3, Djurgarden F.C. 2 (at Brooklyn)
6/20/48   Liverpool 8, New Jersey Stars 0 (at Newark)

1953: May 14, 1953 through June 14, 1953. (results: 9 wins, 1 draw, 0 losses)

Roster: Alan A’Court, Charles Ashcraft, Kevin Baron, Louis Bimpson, Laurie Hughes, Bill Jones, Ray Lambert, Billy Liddell, Joe Maloney, Ronnie Moran, Bib Paisley, Jim Payne, Roy Saunders, Sam Smyth, Edwin Spicer, Phil Taylor, Don Welch. Manager: Albert Shelley; Trainer: G. A. Richards.

5/14/53   Liverpool 4, irish All-Stars 0 (at Brooklyn)
5/17/53   Liverpool 4, American League Stars 1 (at new York City, Randall’s island)
5/20/53   Liverpool 4, New England Stars 0 (at Fall River)
5/24/53   Liverpool 4, Nurenberg 3 (at Randalls Island, new York city)
5/27/53   Liverpool 10, Montreal Stars 0 (at Montreal)
5/31/53   Liverpool 10, Toledo turner 3 (at Toledo)
6/7/53    Liverpool 4, Chicago Stars 2 (at Chicago)
6/9/53    Liverpool 5, St. Louis stars 1 (at St. Louis)
6/13/53   Liverpool 3, Irish All-Stars 1 (at Toronto)
6/14/53   Liverpool 1, Young Boys’ Club 1 (at Yankee stadium, New York City)

1964: May 8, 1964 – June 10, 1964. Results: 6 wins, 3 draws, 1 loss.

Roster: Alan A’Court, Alfred Arrowsmith, Jerry Byrne, Ian Callaghan, Phillip Chisnall, Phillip Ferns, Bob Graham, Chris Lawler, Tommy Lawrence, Ronnie Moran, Fred Molyneux, Trevor Roberts, Thomas Smith, Ian St. John, William Stevenson, Gordon Wallace, Ronnie Yeats. Manager: William Shankly. Trainer: Robert Paisley.

5/8/64   Liverpool 8, Boston SC 1 (at Boston)
5/10/64  Liverpool 7, New York Select 1 (at New York)
5/13/64  Liverpool 1, CYC Stars 1 (at St. Louis)
5/17/64  Liverpool 3, Monterrey (Mexico) 0 (at Chicago)
5/24/64  Liverpool 0, Hamburg (Germany) 2 (at New York)
5/27/64  Liverpool 4, Melderich (Germany) 1 (at Detroit)
5/29/64  Liverpool 0, Meiderich (Germany) 0 (at Chicago)
6/3/64   Liverpool 14, San Francisco Select 0 (at San Francisco)
6/6/64   Liverpool 1, Meiderich (Germany) 1 (at Vancouver)
6/10/64  Liverpool 2, Vancouver Select 0 (at vancouver)

— NASL Friendly Matches – (None)


1950: May 10, 1950 through June 10, 1950. Record: 8 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses.

Roster: Jack Aston, Jack Ball, Brian Birch, Ton Bogan, John Carey (Captain), Allenby Chilton, Henry Cockburn, Jack Crompton, Jimmy Delaney, John Downie, Tom Lowrie, Tom Lynn, Charles Mitten, Tom McNully, Stan Pearson, John Rowley, Jack Warner. Manager: Matt Busby.

5/10/50  Manchester United 5, National League All-Stars 0 (at Toronto, Ontario)
5/14/50  Manchester United 9, New York All-Stars 2 (at Randalls Island, NYC; att. est. 9,500)
5/17/50  Manchester United 2, New England All-Stars 0 (at Fall River, MA; att: 3,704)
5/21/50  Manchester United 2, Kearny-Philadelphia Stars 2 (at Randalls Island, NYC; att: 13,147)
5/25/50  Manchester United 5, Simpkins F.C. 0 (at St. Louis, MO; att 7,700)
5/31/50  Manchester United 7, Los Angeles "A" Stars 1 (at Los Angeles, CA; att. est. 5,000)
6/4/50   Manchester United 6, Atlas FC (Mexico) 6 (at Los Angeles, CA; att. 15,000)
6/7/50   Manchester United 2, Montreal All-Stars 1 (at Montreal, Que)
6/9/50   Manchester United 4, Jonkopping (Sweden) 0 (at Polo Grounds, New York; att. est. 21,000)
6/11/50  Manchester United 2, Besiktas F.C. (Turkey) 1 (at Kearny, NJ; est att. 6,500)
6/14/50  Manchester United 2, English FA XI 4 (at Toronto, Ontario; att. 24,809)
6/20/50  Manchester United 1, Jonkopping (Sweden) 3 (at Chicago, IL; att. 7,500)

1952: May 9, 1952 through June 15, 1952. Record: 10 wins, 2 losses, 0 draws.

Roster: Allen, John Aston, John Berry, John Blanchflower, Roger Byrne, John Carey, Allen Chilton, Frank Clempson, Harry Cockburn, Jack Compton, John Downie, Don Gibson, Mark Jones, Tom McNulty, Harry McShane, Stan Pearson, Jack Rowley, Jeff Whitefoot. Manager: Matt Busby. Trainer: Tom Curry. William Crickner, Secretary.

5/8  Manchester United 4, New Jersey Stars 0 (Kearney, NJ)
5/11 Manchester United 4, Philadelphia Stars 0 (Philadelphia, PA)
5/18 Manchester United 10, Montreal Stars 0 (Montreal, PQ)
5/21 Manchester United 5, American League Stars 1 (Randall's Island, New York City)
5/21 Manchester United 11, Fall River Stars 1 (Fall River, MA)
5/25 Manchester United 5, Stuttgart Kickers 2 (Randall's Island, New York City)
5/27 Manchester United 6, Chicago All-Stars 1 (Chicago, IL)
6/1  Manchester United 2, Atlas of Mexico 0 (Los Angeles, CA)
6/8  Manchester United 4, Atlas of Mexico 3 (Los Angeles, CA)
6/12 Manchester United 4, Ulster United 2 (Detroit, MI)
6/14 Manchester United 0, Tottenham Hotspurs 5 (Toronto, ON)
6/15 Manchester United 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 7 (Yankee Stadium, New York City)

1960: May 14, 1960 – June 12, 1960 Results: 7 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses

Roster: Seamus Brennan, Joe Carolan, Bobby Charlton, Ronald Cope, Alex dawson, William Foulkes, Davis Gaskell, John Giles, Harry Gregg, Frank Haydock, Thomas Heron, Norbet Lawton, Mark Pearson, Albert Quixall, Albert Scanlon, Maurice Setters, Denis Violett. Manager: Matt Busby. Trainer: John Compton.

5/14/60  Manchester United 2, Hearts 2 (at Toronto)
5/15/60  Manchester United 2, German-American League Stars 1 (at New York City)
5/18/60  Manchester United 2, 1960 Munich 4 (at New York City)
5/22/60  Manchester United 3, Hearts 0 (at New York City)
5/25/60  Manchester United 4, CYO Stars 0 (at St. Louis)
5/28/60  Manchester United 3, Hearts 2 (at Vancouver)
6/1/60   Manchester United 0, Hearts 3 (at Los Angeles)
6/5/60   Manchester United 4, All-Stars 2 (at San Francisco)
6/8/60   Manchester United 7, Fall River 0 (at Fall River, MA)
6/12/60  Manchester United 10, Ukrainian Nationals (at Philcadelphia)

1970: May 6, 1970 – May 17, 1970. Results: 2 wins, 0 draws, 1 loss.

5/6/70  Manchester United 2, Bari, Italy 1 (at New York)
5/13/70 Manchester United 2, Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany 1 (at San Francisco)
5/17/70 Manchester United 2, Eintracht Frankfurt, Germany 3 (at Los Angeles)

— NASL Friendly Matches —

5/25/76 Manchester United 0 at Vancouver Whitecaps 0
5/26/76 Manchester United 2 at Chicago Sting 2
5/28/78 Manchester United (England) 2 at Tampa Bay Rowdies 1
5/30/78 Manchester United (England) 2 at Tulsa Roughnecks 1
5/6/80  Manchester United (England) at Portland Timbers (score unavailable)
5/18/82 Manchester United (England) 1 at Vancouver Whitecaps 3 (Europac Tournament)
5/20/82 Manchester United (England) 0 at Seattle Sounders 3 (Europac Tournament)

2003 (Championsworld Series): July 22, 2003 through August 3, 2003. (Results: 4 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws)

7/22/03   Manchester United 4, Glasgow Celtic 0 (at Seattle; att: 66,772)
7/27/03   Manchester United 3, America (Mexico) 1 (at Los Angeles; att: 57,365)
7/31/03   Manchester United 4, Juventus (Italy) 1 (at East Rutherford, NJ; att: 79,005)
8/3/03    Manchester United 3, Barcelona 1 (at Philadelphia; att: 68,396)