
Lone Star Soccer Alliance

            Final Team Standings and Playoff Results

This regional outdoor soccer league was founded in the 
Texas area shortly after the demise of the United Soccer League.

Many thanks to Eric Vormelker (netminder@sbcglobal.net) and Gary Collins who
provided me with this information.


                            G   W   L   GF  GA  PTS 
Dallas Express              6   6   0   16   5   12
Houston Dynamos             6   3   3   15  12    6
Austin Thunder              6   2   4    8   9    4
San Antonio International   6   1   5    6  19    2

CHAMPIONSHIP:  Dallas defeated Houston 5-3.


Before the season, Houston Alianza were added and Dallas changed 
their nickname to the Mean Green.

                            G   W   L   GF  GA   PTS 
Dallas Mean Green           8   8   0   19   4   16
Houston Dynamos             8   5   3    8   8   10
Austin Thunder              8   4   4   12  11    8
Houston Alianza             8   3   5   11  13    6
San Antonio International   8   0   8    5  16    0

GF-GA info is missing scores for two games.

Playoffs:      Houston Dynamos defeated Austin 2-1
               Dallas defeated Houston Alianza 3-1
CHAMPIONSHIP:  Dallas defeated Houston Dynamos 5-3


Before the season, Wichita Falls was added, and Dallas changed 
their name to F. C. Dallas.

                            G   W   L   GF  GA  PTS 
F. C. Dallas               10  10   0   34   5   20
Austin Thunder             10   6   4   15  11   12
Houston Dynamos            10   6   4   22  14   12
Wichita Fallas Fever       10   4   6   17  22    8
Houston Alianza            10   4   6   16  23    8
San Antonio International  10   0  10    6  26    0

Playoffs:      Austin defeated Houston 3-2
               F. C. Dallas defeated Wichita Falls 2-1
CHAMPIONSHIP:  Austin defeated F. C. Dallas 3-2


Before the season, Oklahoma City and the Wichita Blue were added.

                            G   W   L   T   GF  GA  PTS 
     Northern Division
F. C. Dallas               10   8   1   1   26   6  17
Oklahoma City Spirit       10   6   4   0   22  17  12
Wichita Falls Fever        10   6   4   0   19  14  12
Wichita Blue               10   1   9   0    8  30   2

     Southern Division
San Antonio Alamo          10   5   4   1   18  17  11
Austin Thunder             10   5   5   0   16   9  10
Houston Alianza            10   4   6   0   10  16   8
Houston Dynamos            10   4   6   0    9  17   8

Playoffs:        Oklahoma City defeated San Antonio 2-1
                 F. C. Dallas defeated Austin 2-0
CHAMPIONSHIP:    Oklahoma City defeated F. C. Dallas 3-0

After the season, San Antonio folded.


Before the season, Houston Dynamos changed their nickname to International.

                            G   W   L   GF  GA  PTS 
     Northern Division
F. C. Dallas               12   9   3   35  20  18
Wichita Falls Fever        12   8   4   30  16  16
Oklahoma City Spirit       12   6   6   21  18  12
Wichita Blue               12   2  10    8  28   4

     Southern Division
Austin Thunder             12   9   3   24   7  18
Houston Alianza            12   7   5   25  20  14
Houston International      12   1  11   12  46   2

Playoffs:       Austin defeated Wichita Fallas Fever 1-0
                F. C. Dallas defeated Houston Alianza 1-0
CHAMPIONSHIP:   F. C. Dallas defeated Austin 6-5 in penalty kicks
                after 3-3 regulation tie.

After the season, Houston Alianza and Houston International folded.


Before the season, Dallas changed their nickname to Inter.  America
 F.C. and San Antonio were added.

                            G   W   L   GF  GA  PTS 
     Northern Division
Tulsa Pride                14  10   4   53  12  20
Oklahoma City Spirit       14   9   5   22  16  18
Wichita Falls Fever        13   5   8   27  29  10
Wichita Blue               14   3  11    9  55   6

     Southern Division
Dallas Inter               14  11   3   42  14  22
America F. C.              14   9   5   30  22  18
Austin Thunder             13   5   8   16  28  10
San Antonio XLR8           12   2  10   18  38   4

Playoffs:     Dallas Inter defeated Oklahoma City 1-0
              America F. C. defeated Tulsa 3-1
CHAMPIONSHIP: Dallas defeated America F. C. 2-1.

After the season, the league folded.