
College Soccer, 1910-1911


AUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEM              ( - - )
H 12/03 Cornell(NY)Univ (cancelled)
H 03/18 Cornell(NY)Univ (cancelled)
A 04/01 Cornell(NY)Univ (cancelled)

BAKER UNIV                                         (0-2-0)
    10/30 Emporia Normal (State) Sch                0-5g
A 11/12 Univ Kansas                                 L-W

UNIV CALIFORNIA                                     (0-2-0) 
Coach Charles Y. Williamson; Capt. Gordon Davidson;
California Soccer FB League Cup (0-1-0)* 
A 02/     Stanford Univ*                            L-W
    02/22 Ireland Independents                      3g-4g

UNIV CHICAGO                                       (0-2-0) 
Coach Brady; Capt. Fulkerson
H 11/05 Univ Illinois                               L-W
A 11/12 Univ Illinois                               1g-6g

St Louis Amateur League ( - - )*
H 10/29 Univ Illinois                               5g-0
              St Louis St Teresa Jrs*(no score)
              St Louis St Rose*(no score)
              St Louis Holy Rosary*(no score) 

COLUMBIA UNIV                                      (3-5-5)
Capt. Robert A. Semple; Intercollegiate Association 
FB League (1-2-2)*
H 10/15 New York Boys Club                   3g-1g
A 10/22 Staten Island Cricket Club              2g-0
A 10/29 Newburg Field Club(cancelled)
A 11/05 Springfield YMCA Train Sch          0-0
H 11/08 Morris HS                                         0-0
A 11/12 Staten Island Cricket Club(not played)
A 11/19 Brooklyn Crescent AC                 2g-6g
A 11/24 Montclair Field Club                    1g-1g
H 12/03 Staten Island Cricket Club              0-1g
A 12/10 Princeton Univ                                0-4g
H 02/18 New York Boys Club(no score)
H 02/25 Cameron AC(no score)
H 03/04 Staten Island Cricket Club(no score)
H 03/11 Haverford Coll*                              1g-0  
H 03/18 Univ Pennsylvania*                      1g-5g
A 03/25 Cornell(NY)Univ*                        1g-1g
A 04/01 Harvard Univ*                                0-3g
H 04/08 Yale Univ *                                       0-0

CORNELL (NY) UNIV                           (0-3-2)                           
Capt. A. C. Towers; Intercollegiate Association 
FB League (0-3-2)*
A 12/03 Auburn Theological Sem (cancelled)
A 03/18 Auburn Theological Sem (cancelled)
H 03/25 Columbia Univ*                           1g-1g
H 04/01 Auburn Theological Sem (cancelled)
A 04/06 Univ Pennsylvania*                      1g-3g
A 04/08 Haverford Coll*                            1g-2g
A 04/10 Yale Univ*                                      0-3g
H 04/29 Harvard Univ*                                  0-0

ELMHURST COLL                                 (0-1-0)
    10/22 Chicago Westside Rangers           1g-3g
    11/     Univ Chicago 1914 Frosh (no score)

    10/30 Baker Univ                                     5g-0
H 11/09 Friends Univ                                   W-L
A 11/18 Friends Univ                                 1g-1g
@ Wichita, KS

FRIENDS UNIV                                      (0-1-1)
A 11/09 Emporia Normal (State) Sch          L-W
H 11/18 Emporia Normal (State) Sch        1g-1g
@ Wichita, KS

HARVARD UNIV                                   (5-7-2)
Coach Charles Burgess; Capt. W. S. Seamans; 
Intercollegiate Association FB League (3-1-1)*
A 10/29 Fall River Rovers                          1g-6g
H 11/02 Lynn General Electric Co.              0-3g
H 11/05 Thornton Corinthians (RI)            2g-4g
H 11/26 Springfield YMCA Train Sch        0-2g
A 12/01 Concord Middlesex Sch               2g-1g
A 12/03 Thornton Corinthians (RI)            2g-3g
H 03/15 Phillips Acad Andover                   7g-0
H 03/18 Haverford Coll*                              0-4g
H 03/22 Lynn General Electric Co.            1g-1g
H 03/25 Univ Pennsylvania*                      4g-1g
H 04/01 Columbia Univ*                             3g-0
H 04/05 w/Graduates vs Fall River Rovers (exh) 
A 04/09 Manchester United Club (NH)       0-4g
A 04/12 Yale Univ*                                    3g-1g 
A 04/29 Cornell(NY)Univ*                            0-0
A 05/06 w/Graduates vsWorcester County League
(exh)(not played)

HAVERFORD COLL                              (9-5-4)
Coach Frank Huish; Intercollegiate Association FB 
League (3-1-1)*
H 11/26 Philadelphia Electric Co.                4g-0
A 12/03 Princeton Univ                              3g-1g 
H 12/10 West Philadelphia Field Club         0-3g
A 12/17 Westtown Friends Sch (not played)
H 12/17 Victor Boys Club                          1g-1g
H 01/07 Belmont Cricket Club                   2g-3g
A 01/14 Moorestown Field Club                  1g-0
H 01/21 Univ Pennsylvania                        1g-1g
H 01/28 Holmsburg Granite Co. Spectors  2g-2g
A 02/04 Pratt Inst (not played) 
H 02/04 Belmont/Merion Club                   2g-1g  
H 02/11 Victor Boys Club (not played)
H 02/18 West Philadelphia Field Club       1g-2g
A 02/22 Belmont/Merion Club                   1g-2g
H 02/25 Merion Cricket Club                       3g-0
H 03/04 Univ Pennsylvania*                      3g-1g
A 03/11 Columbia Univ*                             0-1g
A 03/18 Harvard Univ*                                4g-0
H 03/25 Moorestown Field Club                  1g-0
H 03/31 Yale Univ*                                    2g-2g
H 04/08 Cornell(NY)Univ*                        2g-1g

UNIV ILLINOIS                                      (2-2-0)
Coach William S. Strode; Capt. A. Karkow
A 10/29 Christian Brothers (MO) Coll         0-5g
A 11/05 Univ Chicago                                  L-W
H 11/12 Univ Chicago                                6g-1g
H 05/06 Chicago Hyde Park Blues           2g-10g

UNIV KANSAS                                       (1-0-0)
Mgr. W. C. Lansdon (Fall); Coach C. B. Root 
H 11/12 Baker Univ                                     W-L

UNIV MARYLAND                                   ( - - )
Capt. & Mgr. Charles M. Mohr
Games Began Dec. 1st-No Records

UNIV MICHIGAN                                  (1-0-0)
    10/30 Imperial Team                                W-L

UNIV PENNSYLVANIA                        (3-4-2)
Coach Douglas Stewart; Capts. Albert W. B. 
Penn & Chase; Intercollegiate Association FB 
League (2-3-0)*
A 11/24 Georgetown CC                            1g-1g 
A 12/04 Philadelphia CC (not played)
A 12/10 Merion CC                                      0-1g
A 12/17 Princeton Univ (cancelled)
H 01/07 Philadelphia Electric Co.                6g-0
H 01/14 Belmont CC (cancelled)
H 01/21 Haverford Coll                              1g-1g 
H 01/28 Merion CC (cancelled)
A 02/04 Moorestown Field Club (postponed)
H 02/11 Philadelphia & Reading RR AA (cancelled)
A 03/04 Haverford Coll*                            1g-3g
A 03/12 Philadelphia & Reading RR AA (no score)
A 03/18 Columbia Univ*                           5g-1g
A 03/25 Harvard Univ*                              1g-4g
A 04/01 Yale Univ*                                    2g-3g
H 04/06 Cornell(NY)Univ*                        3g-1g

PRATT INST                                           ( 0-1-0)
H 11/19 New York Boys Club                     0-5g
H 02/04 Haverford Coll (not played)

PRINCETON UNIV                                 (4-4-0)
Capt. John C. Johnson
A 11/05 Trenton Yetmans                          3g-5g
A 11/08 Montclair Field Club                    1g-3g
H 11/12 Yale Univ                                       1g-0
H 11/16 Philadelphia Central HS                 1g-0 
H 11/19 Brooklyn Bensonhurst Field Club  1g-0
A 11/26 Baltimore Mt Washington AC (MD)
(not played)
H 11/30 Trenton Yetmans                          1g-5g
H 12/03 Haverford Coll                              1g-3g
H 12/07 Princeton All-British Team (not played)
H 12/10 Columbia Univ                               4g-0
A 12/17 Brooklyn Crescents AC (not played)
A 12/17 Univ Pennsylvania (cancelled)

Coach George Affleck; Capt. Edward Buckland
A 09/24 Holyoke Clan McClarens     (f)        0-1
H 10/01 Holyoke Farr Alpacas                     L-W
H 10/     Brockton Ass’n                               W-L
              Newton Ass’n                                 W-L 
A 10/22 Brooklyn Crescents AC (LI) (not played)
A 10/22 Thompsonville Brussels (CT)       1g-3g
H 11/05 Columbia Univ                                 0-0
              Taunton Ass’n                                W-L
A 11/26 Harvard Univ                                  2g-0
A 04/15 Springfield Ass’n                            0-4g 

STANFORD UNIV                                  (7-8-1)
Coach Harold Wilfred Maloney; Capts. McCann 
& Higgins; California Soccer FB League (6-8-1)*
A 10/01 Oakland Independents*                1g-4g
A 10/08 San Francisco Thistles*                3g-3g 
@ Alameda, CA
A 10/12 Presidio Soldiers*                           W-L
    10/15 Alameda Vampires*                     1g-2g
A 10/29 San Francisco Albions*                3g-5g
A 11/19 San Francisco Barbarians*             L-W
@ Alameda, CA
A 11/24 Presidio Soldiers*                         2g-3g
    11/26 San Francisco Pastimes*                W-L
    12/03 Alameda Vampires (rained out)
H 12/10 Oakland Independents*                  2g-0
H 12/14 Presidio Soldiers*                         2g-1g  
    12/17 San Francisco Thistles*                  0-3g
A 12/29 Presidio Soldiers*                         1g-3g
    01/     Univ California* (not played) 
H 02/18 San Francisco Barbarians*             1g-0
    02/22 Sacramento Senators*                    3g-0
N 03/18 Alameda Vampires*                     2g-5g 
@ The Presidio, San Francisco, CA
A 03/25 Oakland Reliance Club                 5g-1g
H 04/23 Oakland Reliance Club (not played)

UNIV UTAH                                            (0-1-1)
N 12/10 Garfield Team                               2g-2g
N 12/17 Salt Lake City Ass’n                     3g-4g
@ Cummings field, Salt Lake City, UT

YALE UNIV                                            (2-5-2)
Coach Dr. Cecil Herbert; Capt. William A. Prime; 
Intercollegiate Association FB League (2-1-2)*
A 10/15 Brooklyn Crescents AC (LI)        2g-8g
A 11/12 Princeton Univ                                0-1g
A 11/26 Staten Island Cricket Club            1g-3g
H 03/25 Brooklyn Crescents AC (LI)        1g-4g
A 03/31 Haverford Coll*                            2g-2g
A 04/01 Univ pennsylvania*                      3g-2g
A 04/08 Columbia Univ*                               0-0
H 04/10 Cornell(NY)Univ*                          3g-0
H 04/12 Harvard Univ*                                0-3g


UNIV CHICAGO 1914 FROSH                 ( - - )
    11/     Elmhurst Coll (no score) 

COLUMBIA (PORTLAND) UNIV         (4-1-0)
N 01/28 Portland Washington HS                7g-0
@ Columbus YMCA, Portland,  OR
N 02/11 Portland Lincoln HS                       8g-0
@ Columbus AC Grounds, Portland, OR
    02/13 Beaver Team (rained out)
N 02/22 Oregon National Team                   0-3g
@ Columbus AC Grounds, Portland, OR
N 02/25 Portland Acad                                 2g-0
H 03/08 Portland Jefferson HS                     5g-0 

COLL OF EMPORIA WOMENS CLASS TEAM                                                      
A 12/02 Emporia Normal Womens 1914 Frosh

H 12/02 Coll of Emporia Womens Class Team

HAVERFORD COLL 2NDS                   (1-2-2)
Coach Dr. R. M. Gummere
H 12/03 Philadelphia Electric Co,              1g-1g
H 12/11 Univ Pennsylvania 2nds               3g-1g
N 01/07 Merion CC 2nds                           1g-2g
H 01/21 Univ Pennsylvania 2nds                   0-0
H 02/04 Philadelphia Electric Co.              1g-2g

A 11/12 Springfield YMCA Train 1914 Frosh 

UNIV MISSOURI                                       ( - - )
Coach T. E. Jones
Has One good Player from China-S. T. Chang-
No Records 

UNIV PENNSYLVANIA 2NDS             (1-2-2)
A 11/27 Philadelphia CC 2nds                     5g-0
A 12/11 Haverford Coll 2nds                     1g-3g
H 12/17 Philadelphia Central HS (no score)
A 01/07 Germantown CC 2nds                  2g-2g
A 01/20 Haverford Coll 2nds                         0-0
A 01/22 Philadelphia CC 2nds (no score)
A 01/29 Belmont CC 2nds (no score)
A 02/03 Moorestown Field Club                  L-W
A 02/12 Belmont CC 2nds (no score)

PENN STATE 1914 FROSH                      ( - - )
N 06/12 Penn State 1913 Sophs (no score)

PENN STATE 1913 SOPHS                       ( - - )
N 06/12 Penn State 1914 Frosh (no score)

Capt. Chittick                                            (1-0-0)   
H 11/12 Mass Agric ( UMass) 1914 Frosh  8g-0

STANFORD UNIV 2NDS                       (0-1-0)
    02/11 San Francisco Barbarians 2nds       0-1g

STANFORD UNIV “GRAYS?                   ( - - )
A 04/09 San Francisco Barbarians 2nds (postponed)
A 04/23 San Francisco Thistles 2nds (not played)
H 04/30 Alameda Vampires 2nds (no score)

STANFORD UNIV “REDS?                      ( - - )
A 04/16 Alameda Vampires (no score)
A 04/23 San Francisco Argonauts (not played)
H 04/30 San Fran Barbarians 2nds (no score)

TRINITY (CT) COLL                                 ( - - )
N 11/02 Football Team plays a game of Soccer

TUFTS COLL                                             ( - - )
N 10/05 Two Picked Teams play Soccer
    11/     Football Team Plays a game of Soccer

WILLIAM JEWELL COLL                     (1-0-0)
H 11/19 Kansas City Westport HS             10g-0