
ASL II Leading Scorers, 1933-1983

                                                  G   GP   Pts
1933-34  Archie Stark, Kearny Irish              22
         Razzo Carroll, Kearny Scots             22
1934-35  Millard Lang, Baltimore Cantons         18
1935-36  Alex Rae, Newark Germans                28
1936-37  Charley Ernst, Baltimore SC             25
1937-38  Fabri Salcedo, Brooklyn Hispano         17
1938-39  Bert Patenaude, Philadelpia Passon      24
1939-40  Charley Ernst, Baltimore SC             24
1940-41  Fabri Salcedo, Brooklyn Hispano         29
1941-42  Duke Nanoski, Brooklyn St. Mary's Celtic20
1942-43  Chappie Sheppell, Kearny Celtic         12
1943-44  Tommy Marshall, Brooklyn Wanderers      21
1944-45  Duke Nanoski, Philadelphia Americans    22
1945-46  Fabri Salcedo, Brooklyn Hispano         24
1946-47  Bill Fisher, Brooklyn Wanderers         17
1947-48  Nick Kropfelder, Baltimore Americans    19
1948-49  Pito Villanon, Brookhatten              17
1949-50  Joe Gaetjens, Brookhattan               18
1950-51  Nick Kropfelder, Philadelphia Nationals 17
1951-52  Dick Roberts, Kearny Scots              19     
1952-53  Pito Villanon, Brookhattan              12 (as of 3/1/53)
1953-54  John Calder, Newark Portuguese          19
1954-55  Jack Ferris, Uhrik Truckers             20
1955-56  Gene Grabowski, Elizabeth Falcons       19
1956-57  George Brown, Elizabeth Falcons         13
1957-58  Lloyd Monsen, New York Hakoah           22
1958-59  Pasquale Pepe, Newark Portuguese        17
1959-60  Miguel Noha, Ukrainian Nationals        22   16
1960-61  Herman Niss, Ukrainian Nationals        17   14
1961-62  Pete Millar, Inter SC                   18   23
1962-63  Ismael Fereyra, Ukrainian Nationals     14   14
1963-64  Walter Czyzowych, Ukrainian Nationals   15   14
1964-65  Herculiano Riguerdo, Newark Portuguese   7    9
1965-66  Walter Chyzowich, Newark Ukr. Sitch     27   15
1966-67  George Benitz, Ukrainian Nationals      24   14
1967-68  Ivan Paleta, Ukrainian Nationals        14   15
1968F    Gerry Brown, Washington Darts           10   12
         Romulo Cortez                           10
1969     Jim Lefkos, Syracuse Scorpions          22   20
1970     Juan Paletta, Philadelphia Spartans      6    8
1971     Charlie Ducili, Philadelphia Spartans   11
1972     Joseph Ognjanac, New York Greeks        11 (as of 8/12/72)
1973     Eddy Roberts, Cincinnati Comets         12   12
1974     Mohamed Attiah (Rhode Island Oceaneers) 11   17  (29 Pts)
         Eddy Roberts (Cincinnati Comets)        12       (26 pts)
1975     Jose Neto, Boston Astros                23
1976     Jimmy Hinch (Los Angeles)               13   18  (32 Pts)
1977     Jose Neto, New Jersey Americans         17   16  (36 Pts)
1978     Jim Rolland (Los Angeles Skyhawks)      17   23  (44 pts)*
         Jose Neto (New Jersey Americans)        17
         Mike Mancini (New York Apollos)         17
1979     Poli Garcia, Sac./Joe Fink, Calif.(tie) 15
1980     Mal Roche (Golden Gate Gales)           17   27  (41 Pts)
1981     Bill Bolevic, New York Eagles           25   26  (59 Pts)   
1982     Andy Chapman (Detroit Express)          23       (59 Pts)
1983     Jeff Bourne, Dallas Americans           17       (38 Pts)

* - two other players had 17 goals, Rolland won based on # games played.